Well, while dredging up memories, which is good to do from time to time, I suppose, once every 30 years or so at least, to keep the proverbial shipping channels of the left-brain from getting silted in ; who remembers hanging out on The Vent just below Clothier Tower on a cold winter night ??? It is still blowing warm air ! And who remembers that the Allman Brothers played in Clothier Hall around 1970 or so ? Would love to find a tape of that show !!! And some photos... jeez, I wonder if somewhere in the Swarthmore College newspaper archives they might have some info on that night ? Or on Springsteen playing in the Amphitheatre a few years later...
"Memories... misty water colored memories..."
1 comment:
If you look real close...u can see a worn area from my butt cheeks. Did I just say what I think I said?
If possesion is 90% of ownership then that baby outa be hanging on my wall. Sad but(t) true.
Can u get a shot of the bamboo maze (of sorts) by train station area....& how 'bout the umbrella tree while you're at it.
Passion is universal humanity.
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