So, who remembers this slide? Just a week or so after I took this picture it got dismantled and unceremoniously carted off, proving that life and slides are ephemeral... seems like yesterday we were climbing up the chain-link ladder to get to the top, then grabbing the upper edge of the tunnel to slip into the descent... do playgrounds have slides like this anymore?
This slide is also here to symbolize how easy it is to slide a photo into this blog... hope some more of you will slide on in here. Speaking of which, Dirk, how is that slideshow coming along??? Hope you'll be able to send a CD of it to folks who may not be able to make it in November.
Wow, that slide is forever ingrained on my memory as well. Here's a little trivia question: Who broke their arm while on this iconic beauty?
Can't remember if he or she fell off the chain ladder (liability city) or landed poorly, but I know they broke an arm none-the-less.
What timing you had in getting that pic....just ment to be I guess.
I have two guesses as to the victim, but can't nail it down for sure. I'll have to wait on another blogger to guess I guess.
Gee, sure hope this does not get lost inside this blog....so many participants it may be hard to keep track...ahem...nudge, nudge.
(please placate this poor bast*rd (me that is) with a few replies people...ok, I'm down on one knee.....please...pretty please maybe...ok both knees now...maybe just one little sentance...)
Take a guess at the victim...no, Owen, it was not Mrs Battershaw.
Hey Siz,
You sure have an excellent memory... must be from eating so much fish ! I have no clue as to who broke an arm on the slide, although that does ring a faint, very faint, bell. As far as accidents in grade school go I only really remember when Carol Helsel got hit by a car and had a concussion... And as far as that elementary school playground goes, I only remember peeing out the window of the boys bathroom that was above the door out to the playground with some other co-conspirators who shall remain un-named. And I agree strongly that some other also un-named folks should start posting to this blog, hint, hint, hint...
PS did ya get my mail???
My memories of this slide/playground are not school-related as I moved to S'more in 5th grade and thus was rarely in the older part of the building--except for lunch and I think art, right? Anyway, I lived 2 blocks away and thus always brought my little sister to play here. I once found a gerbil in the fallen leaves right by that slide, and took it home. It must have been an escapee from a classroom.
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