Tuesday, December 16, 2008

free download of 53 Stations CD "The Hilltop Sessions"

Hi Everybody;
in the interests of spreading holiday cheer and fighting the gloomy economic climate one the groups I work with, 53 Stations, have decided to offer our cd "the Hilltop Sessions" for free as a download!
The musicians are:
Bob Meashey- trumpet and flugelhorn
Jason Shapiro- Saxophones
Dylan Taylor- Bass
Skip Rorich-Drums
the cd features compositions by members of the group, including one (sweet 16) by yours truly!
To download it go to www.53stations.com and click on "discography" then click on "download". Enjoy!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Few More from Amy

Hank Ogilby and Chris Collins
Madame Gabel and Helen Traversi

The "Amys:" Amy Johson, Amy Nelson and Amy Condren Budinger

Cathy Foley Garvey, Amy Condren Budinger, Carol Shane O'Dea and Lisa Anastasi

Amy Condren Budingers Photos

Dawn Smith and Kate Cullen (with Mom)

Carol Shane O'Dea, Kris Allen Kerr and her daughter. Mrs. Condren in the background.

The tour group of the High School.

Carol Shane O'Dea, Kris Allen Kerr and Judy McKelvey

Chris Collins with Joe O'Dea

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This was recently posted on the "Swarthmore High School Connections" Facebook group:

Hey Guys,SECOND ANNUAL SHS ALUMNI NIGHT OUT -- DEC. 26th --- if you are going to be in town, Dan Shaffer, Deirdre Stief and Chris Stief are planning another SHS Alumni night out at Iron Hill in Media on Friday December 26th. More details to come, but mark your calendar. We did this last year and had a pretty good turn-out from a variety of classes. Spread the word. Email your classmates and tell them to join this Facebook Group for info.

I guess several of you know how to find the place now!


Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh, what fun to see and talk to everyone. I could have spent another few hours at Carol's, but, alas, we had a babysitter waiting at home! Hope you enjoy the pictures too. (Chris, can you take our family pictures next year?? Your photos are superb!)

Best Wishes, Mandy Weir Buoni

(Madame) Nancy Gabel, Robert Rosenthal SHS '80, Cindy Palmer

Amy Nelson, Georgia Pappas Dudley, Cindy Palmer

Thanks again to all the organizers. The evening was stupendous, marvelous, and just plain fun!
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Serving area of cafeteria.

David Clemmer, Rebecca Belk Clemmer, Cindy Palmer

Rebecca Belk Clemmer, Cindy Palmer, Karen Mazur Larsen

Rebecca Belk Clemmer, Gretchen Burch Green, Cindy Palmer, Karen Mazur Larsen
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More from Saturday night...



And, our feet were killing us!


Not everyone got in the picture but we tried! This was taken in the lobby of the school (in front of the old school store?).
Back Row (left to right): Timothy Rogers, Cindy Palmer Rosenthal (and her son), Carol Shane O'Dea, Judy McKelvey, Cathy Foley Garvey, Hank's son and Hank Ogilby, Eric Peabody, Bob Bannister, Bob's son, Kris Allen Kerr's son.

Front Row (left to right): Carol's two daughters, Cathy's two daughters, Eric's two sons, Amy Condren Budinger, Amy's two daughters, Kris Allen Kerr and her daughter.


Owen, this one has "weathered" better than the football scoreboard. We were all wondering what happened to all of the plaques, records, etc., that were previously posted in the gym. You can see they're now blank, garnet boards (right of the scoreboard)! Love to have seen them!


Beth Rhodes Gosling, Carol Shane O'Dea and Cathy Foley Garvey. Sharon Martenson Hoehn and her husband.


Margot Mifflin, Bob Bannister, Peggy Hazard, Helen Traversi and Annette Simpson.

Tina Warmerdam Wilhemsen and Donna Lee Diakite.
Amy Nelson, Carolyn Behr Woodson (with husband) and Chris Collins


Dawn Smith and Amy Johnson.
Annette Simpson and Dawn Smith.