Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What ever happened to .....
My wife and I were in the neighborhood at the end of July to catch-up with family and to see “Bruce” live at Giant Stadium, which I have to say was in the top three concerts I have ever seen, only topped by U2 (with Pearl Jam) at Aloha stadium or Live Aid at JFK way back in the day. We were able to catch up and spend the weekend in Cape May with 3 of my sisters, Catherine (Brooklyn), her twin Maggie (Media), and my youngest sister Barb (Amherst MA) all of whom are doing well. Catherine did confess to divulging my email to one of the organizer of this event and her punishment will be that the Mets will again finish second to the Phillies in the NL east. Just a little family rivalry that keeps us texting across the globe.
My parents are still living in Swarthmore so I am usually in town once a year or so. But three of my 4 daughters are living in No. Cal. So our traveling often is to visit with them and to see the grandchildren, (12yrs, 2.5yrs, 18mo, 4mo.). I’m sure it’s the same for many of us. Hope you all have a great get together and I’m sorry to send my regrets, I’m sure it will be on my mind come that weekend and if you do find yourself visiting the Big Island please feel free to drop me email.
I’m looking forward to reading the blog so don’t be shy, write something or post your picture.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Kathy Anderson, Jim Archibald, Ed Beadle, Dave Bedell, Carolyn Behr, Andy Blackman, Howard Block, Michael Breslin, Paul Brooks, Iris Burton, Bill Clement, Karen Dagle, Beth Donovan, Bill Drill, Bill Eidson, Jeannette Erikson, Jim Ford, Rob Goldberg, Carol Helsel, Bill Hopson, Ann James, Diane Jones, Karen Jones, Bob Junkin, Edith Leary, Ken Maccrone, Barb Marroletti, Tom McCormick, Victoria Meyer, Bob Miller, Vicki Moat, Cheryl Oberg, Ben Price, Gregory Rapp, Timothy Rogers, Matt Smith, Barb Steward, Stuart Strong, John Sucher, Amy Taylor, Julia Taylor, Tom Tracey, Diane Villwock, Charlie Vining, Mary Wenzel and Andy Woods.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Long Time

Am looking forward to catching up, feel free to write by e-mail, if you like, to : owenphil@wanadoo.fr
Haven't done much blogging up to now, but who says an old dog can't learn some new tricks ...(another apt old cliché out of the hat... have a few more up the sleeve as well) If we've made it this far down the road... well let's let the good times roll, and roll just a litte further on down the road...
Was back in Swarthmore in April '08, but hadn't heard from Cathy yet, (who sent a message out of the wild blue yonder, that got this started, with me anyway, and already the connections long-lost are re-appearing...)(thanks Cathy for scouring the web as you did so thoroughly!) ( and thanks for your message, Chris, or can I call you Ansel, Hensel?... will write back shortly...)(and Amy & Lisa, hope all is well in NYC) and so didn't track anyone down at their doorstep; but there will be more trips at some point, my parents are still in the area, in Haverford now, closing in on 80 but still going strong ...
Anyway, this blog hopefully will be like something out of a magic lantern show... in April took the above photo of the shop building, a colorful addition has been added to that drab brick wall where we lounged around between classes...

While I'm thinking of it, the list of games from that 8th grade basketball team photo, and the scores of each, is on the back of the photo, so if anyone is interested, that could also be scanned and posted... talk about sports trivia !
And I suppose a few of you may remember classes in this building ?!? Where we learned useful skills like addition, subtraction, and telling time... before heading out to the field for Field Day... ( come in handy, those early skill-sets !)
Guess I've run on long enough, don't want to get flagged, or flogged, by the blog-masters for running on empty and boring anyone...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Basketball Picture
Welcome to the SHS 1978 blog!
All groups have rules and we should have a few… Be kind to each other! We ask that we be respectful of each other's religion, politics, orientation, heritage, etc. Also, we ask no spamming or flaming. Lastly, our member list should be considered confidential. BLOG ON!